AI People


Welcome to the AI People Community!

We want to ensure that our community is a safe and positive space for everyone. To promote a welcoming atmosphere and constructive interactions, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines at all times when participating in any part of our community.

Before you enter their world, take a moment to read the following community guidelines. These rules and guidelines outline what is allowed and what isn’t allowed. As AI People’s development evolves, we will evolve the community guidelines to address emerging risks and potential harms that may occur from new behaviors. Moderation Staff will take appropriate action if our community guidelines are violated. 

If you witness or become aware of our community guidelines being broken, please report it to a member of the AI People Moderation Team. This can be done through appropriate channels, or by emailing


  1. Respect Others: Treat all community members with respect and kindness. Disrespectful, discriminatory, or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

  2. No Hate Speech: We do not tolerate any form of hate speech (sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.), harassment, stalking, or threats. This includes any linked or uploaded material.

  3. No Advertisements: Do not use our community to promote other sites, products, or social media channels.

  4. No Offensive Content: Do not post, distribute, or link to, any offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory content. This includes using alternative characters to bypass profanity filters.

  5. Avoid Sensitive Topics: Refrain from discussing political or religious topics, including political or religious figures.

  6. Privacy: Posting personal details about another community member, moderator, or developer is not permitted.

  7. Engage Respectfully: Refrain from arguing with the Moderators and Developers.

  8. No Trolling or Baiting: Do not engage in activities aimed at making others angry or getting a reaction.


We respect your ability to express yourself when playing AI People and creating your own scenarios. However, we believe that certain subjects and use cases present a high risk of harm to users. As such, we prohibit the creation of characters and scenarios or the sharing of content that:


  1. Is Illegal or Unlawful – We prohibit characters or content that are libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, indecent, lewd, suggestive, offensive, inflammatory, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, or fraudulent.

  2. Content Generation: The generation of sexual, religious, and political content is strictly prohibited.

  3. Harassing Others – We prohibit any characters or content deliberately designed to provoke or antagonize people, especially trolling and bullying, or is intended to harass, harm, hurt, scare, distress, embarrass or upset people.

  4. Engages in or promotes hate speech or hateful conduct – We do not permit any characters or content that are racist or discriminatory. Using our game to generate Hate Speech (sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.) is strictly forbidden. This includes discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexuality.

  5. Threatens or promotes violence and/or harm – We prohibit our characters from endorsing or instigating violence, including any characters intended to advocate suicide or self-harm.

  6. Impersonation of any person or entity – Characters created in AI People must not be made to impersonate any person or entity, or be used to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent a user or their affiliation with any person or entity

  7. Contains unsolicited promotions/advertisements –  We do not allow unsolicited advertising or promotions. We also do not allow our characters to be used for political campaigning.

  8. Contains Private Information of Any Third Party – AI People should not be used to share the personal information of any third party.

  9. Violates anyone’s intellectual property or other rights – We do not permit any characters or content that infringes upon the rights of intellectual property owners.